Get a COVID-19 PCR at-home collection kit to find out if you have COVID-19. Progentec will send you an at-home collection kit for you to perform your nasal swab and ship it to our lab. The lab will perform a PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and will notify you of the results using a secure patient portal.

This At-Home Collection kit can be ordered and shipped anywhere in the United States. The individual list price for the test is $119.00. Patients with insurance should not have any upfront out-of-pocket costs for a COVID-19 PCR test, but check with your health plan to confirm before scheduling. You will be required to enter your insurance information and have a health 'provider’s requisition' to order the test. You will be responsible for any patient cost as determined by your insurance. If you do not have insurance and are Cash Pay (debit/credit card), you will not need a 'provider’s requisition'.


For immediate use, click on the image on the left and it will take you to the next page to place your order. You will have the option to select from Insurance Pay $0 upfront cost (valid insurance required) or Cash Pay (debit/credit card). If you do not have insurance coverage, you will need to order using the Cash Pay option.

This test can also be ordered for immediate use to meet requirements for pre-flight testing, event entrance or school and workplace screening by using Cash Pay (debit/credit card).

Once we receive your sample in the lab, you will typically receive results within 1-2 days. The nose swab PCR test for COVID-19 is an accurate and reliable test for diagnosing active COVID-19 infections. This is not a rapid test.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or were exposed to people who have symptoms or have tested positive, or have been asked by a healthcare professional to get tested, please proceed with purchasing a test.